JEE Advanced 2021 Registration

Eligibility: All Indian nationals must simultaneously satisfy each and every one of the five eligibility criteria [see Clause 11. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR INDIAN NATIONALS FOR APPEARING FOR JEE (ADVANCED) 2021]. Registration

will be cancelled if, at a later date, it is found that the applicant does not meet any of these five eligibility criteria.

Registration Portal: Candidates have to register for appearing for JEE (Advanced) 2021. Registration is to be done only through the online registration portal where detailed instructions for registration will be provided.

For online registration
Online registration begins Monday, June 07, 2021 (10:00 IST) *
Online registration closes Monday, June 14, 2021 (17:00 IST) *
Last date for fee payment for registered candidates Tuesday, June 15, 2021 (up to 17:00 IST) *

Registration Procedure:

The steps for registration are given in process A and Procedure B below. The candidates who have qualified through JEE (Main) 2021, have to carry out the steps given in process A. The candidates who are eligible to appear directly for JEE (Advanced) 2021 under the one-time measure, mentioned in Clause 11 [ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR INDIAN NATIONALS FOR APPEARING FOR

JEE (ADVANCED) 2021] have to carry out the steps given in Procedure B below. The applicants who are eligible to appear directly for JEE (Advanced) 2021 by the one-time measure and also qualify through JEE (Main) 2021 have to register for JEE (Advanced) 2021 following steps given in Procedure B.

Procedure A: The applicant will first login with the JEE (Main) 2021 credentials. The following three steps are to be carried out to complete the registration procedure.

Step-1: After login, give the basic data and the choices of the cities for the examination [see Clause 19. CITIES AND TOWNS WHERE JEE (ADVANCED) 2021 WILL BE HELD]. The candidate will have the choice of adding an extra mobile phone number and an additional email ID, in addition to the number(s) already provided during JEE (Main) 2021 registration. Please note that all the correspondence regarding JEE (Advanced) 2021 will be sent to the registered mobile number by SMS and to the registered email ID by email. Candidates are therefore, advised to ensure that the correct mobile number and email address are entered by them.

Step-2: Upload the scanned copies of all requisite documents [see Clause 15. DOCUMENTS REQUIRED FOR REGISTRATION].

Step-3: Pay registration fee [see Clause 13. REGISTRATION FEE FOR JEE (ADVANCED) 2021]. Registration fee is NEITHER refundable NOR transferable.

Procedure B: The candidates who are eligible to appear directly for JEE (Advanced) 2021 under the one-time measure, mentioned in Clause 11 [ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR INDIAN NATIONALS FOR APPEARING FOR JEE (ADVANCED) 2021], will have to login using the JEE (Main) 2020 credentials. They have to carry out the following three steps to successfully complete the registration process.

Step-1: After login using the JEE (Main) 2020 credentials, provide the basic data and the choices of the cities for the examination [see Clause 19. CITIESANDTOWNSWHEREJEE(ADVANCED)2021WILLBEHELD].The Applicant will have the choice of providing an additional mobile number and anadditional email ID, in addition to the number(s) already provided during JEE(Main)2020registration.PleasenotethatallthecorrespondenceregardingJEE (Advanced) 2021 will be sent to the registered mobile number by SMS and totheregisteredemailIDbyemail.

Candidates are therefore, advised to ensure that the correct mobile number and email address are entered by them. Additionally, the candidates will have to enter the URC [see Clause 11. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR INDIAN NATIONALS FOR APPEARING FOR JEE (ADVANCED) 2021] provided to them along with the necessary documents as per the instructions which shall appear on the registration portal. If any such candidate has appeared for JEE (Main) 2021 then the candidate must enter the JEE (Main) 2021 Application Number.

Step-2: Upload the scanned copies of all requisite documents afresh [see Clause DOCUMENTS REQUIRED FOR REGISTRATION].

Step-3: Pay registration fee [see Clause 13. REGISTRATION FEE FOR JEE (ADVANCED) 2021]. Registration fee is NEITHER refundable NOR transferable.

Foreign national candidates may check the link: