IPU CET Marking Scheme : IPU CET 2021 will be conducted this year also for various courses for admitting students in IPU colleges. This exam is usually of easy to moderate level and any student can clear this exam with good preparation and a positive attitude. Students from all over India fill the IPU CET application form in a hope to get admission in good colleges of IPU. IPU colleges are usually located in Delhi or NCR. All these colleges have shown good performance and result can students have made a mark in whichever field they have entered. This has resulted in in IPU having a very prominent name in the list of best universities of India.
Marking scheme
In order to score well in the exam you need to know the questions that will be asked and also the marking scheme of the exams. The syllabus given to you is according to what you have started in your 11th and 12th class so it will be very easy for you to cover up for the exams.
When you have an idea about the marking scheme you will be able to solve the paper in a better way. Marking scheme gives you the idea about the number of questions that you must answer.
• The question paper usually consists of 150 questions divided into 4 sections.
• Each question carries 4 marks for correct answer.
• Negative marking is also there which means for every wrong answer 1 mark will be deducted.
• Marks will not be deducted for any an attempted question.
• You will get 2 hours 30 minutes to complete the exam.
• This means you have to be really fast in solving the question paper as for 150 questions you will be getting 150 minutes so approximately 1 minute for each question.
You have to decide how much time you need to spend on any question. In the exam try to do the easy section earlier so that you can complete it quickly.
After doing the easy section, then go towards the difficult one. If you think that a particular question is taking up a long time, leave that and move forward. Do not invest long time on a particular question.
You have to understand that your accuracy matters more than the no. of questions that you answer. Even if you have answered 100 questions and all are correct, be sure that you can qualify the exam.
The entrance exam has specified syllabus and your focus should be on it as all the questions will be based on that which can be easily answered. Try to study in advance for this exam and it is necessary to score well as your admission in college depends on this.
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