Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
[Established by the Govt. of NCT of Delhi vide Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University Act No.9 of 1998]
S.no. | Content | Page No |
1 | Vice Chancellor’s Message | 1 |
2 |
Part – A: Details of Programmes offered by GGSIP University 2021-22 Chapter – 1 : List of Programmes offered by the GGSIP University Chapter – 2 : Eligibility Criteria and Admission Criteria
Chapter – 3 : Syllabus for Common Entrance Test, Information regarding result awaited cases for Engineering and Professional Programmes (Except for NEET based admissions) and Age Limit Chapter – 4 : Information regarding Application Form Fee and Common Entrance Test Chapter – 5 : Seat Allocation Chapter – 6 : Reservation Policy Chapter – 7 : NEET based admissions Chapter – 8 : Offline Counselling Procedure Chapter – 9 : MBBS, BAMS, BHMS, PGMC & PGAC admission information Chapter – 10 : Online Counselling Procedure |
9 – 122 |
3 |
Part – B : Tentative Counselling Schedule Summary for Academic Session 2021-22 (Online/Offline)
Chapter – 11 : Counselling Schedule Summary |
2 – 5 |
4 |
Part – C : Fee Refund Policy 2021-22 Chapter – 12 : Fee Refund Policy |
2 – 4 |
5 |
Part – D : Programmewise Seat Intake & Fee Structure Academic Session 2020-21
Chapter – 13 : List of Programmes running in affiliated institutes/ USS during the Academic Session 2020-21 Chapter – 14 : Fee Structure in Self Financing Institutes/Colleges affiliated with GGSIP University 2020-21 |
37 – 53 |
6 |
Part – E : Details of various specimen forms as Appendices. Appendix 1: Undertaking for Defence Category.
Appendix2: Certificate for availing admission against physically handicapped quota. Appendix 3(a): Undertaking for minority candidates Appendix 3(b): Specimen copy of sikh minority community Appendix 4(a): Admission verification form for Engg., B.Arch. and Professional Programmes Appendix 4(b): Admission verification form for MBBS, BDS, BAMS, BHMS Appendix 4(c): Admission verification form for PGMC & PGAC |
3 – 28 |
S.no. | Content | Page No |
Appendix 5: Undertaking by the Result Awaited Candidate for seeking Provisional Admission
Appendix 6: Medical Certificate Appendix 7: Preference Sheet Appendix 8: Form for Withdrawal of Admission Appendix 9: Form for Refund of Excess Fee Appendix 10 (a): Certificate 1: For admission to ACMS Appendix 10 (b): Certificate 2: For admission to ACMS Appendix 10 (c): Certificate 3: For admission to ACMS Appendix 10 (d): Certificate 4: For admission to ACMS Appendix 11: Declaration by the candidates/ employer’s certificate (PGMC / SSMC) Appendix 12: Surety Bond (PGMC /SSMC) Appendix 13: Undertaking by the student with respect to anti ragging Appendix 14: Undertaking by the parents with respect to anti ragging Appendix 15 (a): Children of Serving Army Personnel Having 10 Years Continuous Service in the Army, Retired/Released/Discharged after 10 Years of Service Or Granted/ AwardedRegular/Family/Liberalised Family/Disability Pension Appendix 15 (b):Step Children of Army Personnel who were born from wedlock where atleast one parent belonged to the Army/ Adopted Children of Army Personnel who have been adopted atleast 5 years prior to Commencement of Course Appendix 15 (c):Children of Army Medical/Dental Corps Officers serving in Air Force/Navy and Mns/Aps and Ta Personnel |
Keeping in view, the circumstances, prevailing due to the Pandemic caused by the COVID-19 and subject to the decision taken by the Competent Authority, the date of Counselling both Online and Offline, the information given in the Admission Brochure and the procedure of admissions in various programmes is subject to change and will be notified, accordingly. This is for information of all the concerned / stakeholders. Thus, the information given in the Admission Brochure is tentative and may vary in accordance with the pandemic situation.
The detailed seats/ intake of each programme and in each affiliated colleges/ institutes / University School of Studies along with the fee structure shall be notified at the time of start of counselling.
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (GGSIPU) is the first University established in 1998 by Govt. of NCT of Delhi under the provisions of Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University Act, 1998 read with its Amendment in 1999. The University is recognized by University Grants Commission (UGC), India under section 12B of UGC Act.
It is a teaching and affiliating University with the explicit objective of facilitating and promoting “studies, research and extension work in emerging areas of higher education with focus on professional education, for example engineering, technology, management studies, medicine, pharmacy, nursing, education, law, etc. and also to achieve excellence in these and connected fields and other matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.”
In order to serve the broad purposes for which the University was established, it set out its statements of Vision, Mission and Quality Policy which read as tpphus:
Vision Statement
“The University will stimulate both the hearts and minds of scholars, empower them to contribute to the welfare of society at large; It will train them to adapt themselves to the changing needs of the economy; advocate them for cultural leadership to ensure peace, harmony and prosperity for all.”
Mission Statement
“Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University shall strive hard to provide a market oriented professional education to the student community of India and particularly in Delhi.It will serve the education as well as meet the needs of the growing Indian Industries by promoting establishment of Schools and colleges as learning Centres of Excellence.Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University will focus on emerging areas of professional education in the field of Engineering, Technology, Medicine, Education, Pharmacy, Nursing, Law and more.”
Quality Policy
“Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University is committed to providing professional education with thrust on creativity, innovation, continuous change and motivating environment for knowledge creation and dissemination through its effective quality management system.”
Rules & Regulations
University administration functions while dealing with various issues of administrative and academic significance, within the provisions of the University Act, rules and regulations (Statutes & Ordinances) framed thereunder.
1.1 National Level Tests Based Admissions
1.1.1 National Level Test for Admissions
For the following CET Codes the University shall use the merit / score of the National Level Test Conducted by agencies other than the University. They are:
S.No. |
Name of Programme |
Course Duration | Abbreviated Name of Programme | CET
Code |
1 |
Bachelor of Architecture
i. Eligibility conditions shall be as per the Council of Architecture notification(s) applicable at the time of admissions. Candidates may see the web site of the Council, http://www.coa.gov.in/ ii. All candidates possessing any of the above qualifications must also have passed the National Aptitude Test of Architecture (NATA) – 2021 conducted by the Council of Architecture. iii. For eligibility for NATA candidates are advised to refer the official website of the Council of Architecture i.e. http://www.coa.gov.in/ |
5 yrs |
100 |
2 |
Master of Business Administration CET for the following programmes:
i. Master of Business Administration ii. Master of Business Administration (Financial Analysis) iii. Master of Business Administration (International Business) iv. Master of Business Administration (Financial Management)
Note: i. All admissions shall be made on the basis of overall Percentile of Common Admission Test (CAT) 2020 that was conducted by Indian Institute of Management. ii. If Seats remain vacant after counselling on the basis of overall percentile of CAT 2020, then the counseling shall be conducted on the basis of Score in CMAT 2021 (another National Level Test). iii. In case seat still remain vacant even after exhausting CAT 2020 and CMAT 2021 merit, University will consider admissions in MBA Programme on the basis of merit of Common Entrance Test (CET) to be conducted by GGSIP University. |
2 yrs |
101 |
3 |
Master of Computer Applications /Master of Computer Applications (Software Engineering)
Note: All admissions shall be on the basis of Merit of NIMCET 2021. If Seats remain vacant after counselling on the basis of merit of NIMCET 2021, the University will consider admission in MCA/ MCA (SE) programmes on the basis of merit of Common Entrance Test (CET) to be conducted by GGSIP University. |
2 yrs |
105 |
S.No. |
Name of Programme |
Course Duration | Abbreviated Name of Programme | CET
Code |
4 |
Master of Laws
Note: All admissions shall be on the basis of the merit of Common Law Admission Test – Postgraduate, 2021 (CLAT – PG, 2021) that is conducted by National Law University‟s on a rotational basis. The University shall not conduct its own CET for admissions, but shall be utilizing the merit prepared on the basis of (CLAT – PG, 2021) for its admissions. |
1 yr |
LL.M. |
112 |
5 |
1. B.A.LLB.(Integrated) 2. B.B.A.LL.B (Integrated)
Note: All admissions shall be on the basis of the merit of Common Law Admission Test – Under Graduate, 2021 (CLAT – UG, 2021) that is conducted by National Law University‟s on a rotational basis. The University shall not conduct its own CET for admissions, but shall be utilizing the merit prepared on the basis of (CLAT – UG, 2021) for its admissions. |
5 yrs |
B.A. L.L.B. (Integrated) / B.B.A.L.L.B. (Integrated) |
121 |
1.1.1 Graduation Programmes (CET to be conducted)
S.No. | Name of Programme | Course Duration | Abbreviated Name of Programme | CET
Code |
1 | Bachelor of Computer Applications | 3 yrs | BCA | 114 |
2 | Bachelor of Science (Yoga) | 3 yrs | B.Sc(Y) | 117 |
3 | Bachelor of Education | 2 yrs | B.Ed | 122 |
4 | Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPT) | 4 ½ yrs | PARA MEDICAL | 124 |
5 | Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (BOT) | 4 ½ yrs | PARA MEDICAL | 124 |
6 | Bachelor of Prosthetics & Orthotics (BPO) | 4 ½ yrs | PARA MEDICAL | 124 |
7 | Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Technology-{B.SC. (MLT)} | 3 yrs | PARA MEDICAL | 124 |
8 | Bachelor of Audiology and Speech Language Pathology (BASLP) | 4 yrs | PARA MEDICAL | 124 |
9 | BBA & Allied Programmes:
i. Bachelor of Business Administration ii. Bachelor of Business Administration (Banking & Insurance) iii. Bachelor of Business Administration (Computer Aided Management) |
3 yrs | BBA | 125 |
10 | Bachelor of Arts (Journalism & Mass Communication) | 3 yrs | BA (JMC) | 126 |
11 | Bachelor of Hotel Management & Catering Technology | 4 yrs | BHMCT | 127 |
12 | Lateral Entry to B.Tech. Programmes for Diploma holders (Admission is to the 2nd year/ 3rd semester of the 4 year degree programme of the batch admitted in the previous Academic Session, 2020-21, for the CET Code 131). | 3 yrs | LE BTECH (DIPLOMA) | 128 |
13 | Lateral Entry to B.Tech. Programmes for B.Sc. Graduates (Admission is to the 2nd year/ 3rd semester of the 4 year degree programme of the batch admitted in the previous Academic Session, 2020-21 for the CET Code 131). | 3 yrs | LE BTECH (B.Sc) | 129 |
14 | Bachelor of Technology (Bio-Technology) | 4 yrs | BTECH (BT) | 130 |
15 | Bachelor of Pharmacy | 4 yrs | BPHARMA | 133 |
16 | B.Sc. Medical Imaging Technology | 3 yrs | B.Sc. (MIT) | 134 |
17 | Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) | 3 yrs | BCOM | 146 |
18 | B.Sc. Medical Technology, Radiotherapy | 3 yrs | B.Sc. (MTR) | 158 |
S.No. | Name of Programme | Course Duration | Abbreviated Name of Programme | CET
Code |
19 | Bachelor of Education (Special Education) – BED (Spl. Edu.) in the areas of
i. Hearing Impairment ii. Mental Retardation iii. Autism Spectrum Disorder Any new BED (Spl. Edu.) programme started by the University in the Academic Session 2021-22 with the same eligibility condition(s) as for this CET. |
2 yrs | B.Ed (SPL) | 159 |
20 | Bachelor of Arts (English) (Honours) | 3 yrs | B A (ENG) | 184 |
21 | Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Post Basic) | 2 yrs | B.Sc. (N) P BASIC | 188 |
22 | Bachelor of Arts (Economics) (Honours) | 3 yrs | B A (ECO) H | 197 |
For more details please download complete GGSIPU ADNISSION BROCHURE 2021 – 2022 here