B.Tech in IoT (Internet of things) is a four-year undergraduate program or eight-semester program that is the study of networks of physical objects embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies to connect and exchange data through internet.
In IoT, there is not a particular area of learning as this is a vast subject to cover. Nowadays every device works with the Internet, no matter how small or big it is. Students need to learn applied knowledge of embedded systems to create the smallest item for the kitchen or high-end machinery in the companies.
IOT Syllabus:
In the first year, the main focus is to introduce the Basics and understanding of IoT.
- Introduction of IoT
- Understanding of IoT
- Programming for Problem Solving
- Computer-Aided Design & Drafting
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Application based Programming language
In the Second Year, the study is more about the application of programming language
- Building Essential Language
- Computer Organization and Architecture
- Application based Programming language
- Principles of Operating System
- Data Base Management System
- Computer Networks
- Data Structure
In the Third year, the focus is given to design and analyze the algorithm.
- Design and Analysis of Algorithm
- Software Engineering and Testing Methodologies
- Theory of Computation
- Introduction to Cloud Computing
- Compiler Design
The vast study of IoT embedded with other systems is the main highlight of the final year.
- Web Technologies
- IoT Architecture and Protocols
- Internet of things sensing and actuator devices
- Introduction to Graph Theory and its Applications
- Data Sciences in IoT
Along with this, there are several workshops and practical knowledge has been added to the course through lab experiments. In addition to that, Industrial visits, projects, mock test, seminars, webinars as well as an internship is the crucial part of the curriculum.
However, every university has a different curriculum though it is more or less the same in the Internet of Things (IoT). The given curriculum is the general one that can be implied to all Universities.